Category: Blog

Dive Into The Unexpected!
February 15, 2024 Blog Tracy Aparo

Join our complimentary ‘Did You Know’ series where we unravel surprising employment & safety topics that every employer should be aware of. Discover hidden employment & safety pitfalls Stay ahead of compliance issues Enhance workplace safety protocols Network with other employers and experts   Our ‘Did You Know’ series is absolutely complimentary!”   Simply follow us

eGage Consultant Passes Ph.D. Candidacy Exam
July 6, 2021 Blog Tracy Aparo

Congratulations to Paige Watson for passing her Ph.D. candidacy exams at Clemson University! Paige will continue to consult with eGage as she begins her dissertation in the Fall. Paige and her Ph.D. advisor published an article through the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology about safety climate (particularly in light of COVID-19). The article includes

Trust – An Organizational Differentiator!
April 27, 2021 Blog Tracy Aparo

Overview: The objective of this article is to emphasize the importance of trust and the impact it has on an individual, a team, and an organization.   By understanding what trust is; why it is important; the impact associated with it; how it is earned; how to maintain it; and what to avoid; you can directly

1-04-21 Covid-19 Vaccine Employer Resources
January 12, 2021 Blog Tracy Aparo

As employers prepare for Covid-19 vaccine distribution, it will be important to keep current with Health Agency guidance along with Federal, State, and Local regulations.    The following publication from Alliance, an OSHA Cooperative Program, outlines a number of helpful resources.  Of note, there are several new publications related to vaccines.   Click link below, section

Get Ready! Peak Planning
August 26, 2020 Blog Tracy Aparo

eGage is a proud member of Business Strong Alliance Get Ready! The upcoming Peak season is expected to see double digit increases in global retail sales made digitally. Our team is here to support in delivering solutions and a roadmap to prepare all retailers for the upcoming Peak surge. Business Strong Alliance has prepared a

Meet the Health & Safety Team
July 6, 2020 Blog admin

Covid-19 has altered the profile of workplace safety.   Businesses are challenged to maintain current safety programs while introducing new infection control protocols for employees and customers.   In conjunction, State and Federal regulations related to the pandemic are changing rapidly. eGage has experienced Occupational Health & Safety resources available to help you navigate: COVID-19 Safety &

Reopening – 3 Steps to Reduce COVID Spread
May 1, 2020 Blog Tracy Aparo

As the States gradually phase in industries to reopen, there is a lot of new guidance to both businesses reopening and those who have been operating under the essential work guidelines. How do you incorporate the recommended safe operating procedures to get back in operation? How do you ensure your employees are comfortable returning? How

Calming Fears – Working without a Vaccine
May 1, 2020 Blog Tracy Aparo

Why are frontline workers at major companies staging a mass walkout today? These employees feel their employer is not doing enough to protect them from COVID-19. There is clearly a disconnect between these companies actions and employees experience. Until there is a vaccine, employers will need to change their human capital playbook dramatically to calm

Announcing – Business Strong Alliance
April 28, 2020 Blog Tracy Aparo

These are unprecedented times for everyone. Supply Chain, manufacturing, and health care industries are feverishly working to manage the ‘call to arms’, while brick-and-mortar and service industries are in a financial spiral and planning for what’s next. Organizations are using critical resources to work on emerging business imperatives. By coming together, we can provide a