Gen Z Voices: Insights Straight from the Source

Gen Z Voices: Insights Straight from the Source
April 19, 2024 Comments Off on Gen Z Voices: Insights Straight from the Source Blog Tracy Aparo

Recently, I found myself amidst a roundtable of business owners. The conversation veered towards their reluctance to hire Gen Z employees due to high turnover rates and a supposed lack of work ethic. As they discussed their struggles with integrating Gen Z into their workforce, I posed a crucial question: What was their succession plan as their workforce aged? The response was met with blank stares and no viable solution in sight.

This left me pondering: How could such a vital issue be met with such uncertainty? The topic of bridging the generational gap has been extensively discussed, and yet, here we were, facing a disconnect between generations in the workplace. As a parent to a successful Gen Zer who defies the stereotypes discussed, I acknowledged the validity of their experiences and recognized the need for proactive solutions.

Thus, eGage embarked on a journey to tackle this challenge head-on.   We formed a partnership with Mimi Gonzalez, Gen Z Inclusion Consultant, seeking out practical solutions to bridge the generational gap and foster a harmonious workplace environment.

We gathered a diverse panel of Gen Zers, representing various industries and backgrounds, to share their insights and experiences in the workforce. Ranging from ages 18 to 27, with varying work experiences including trades, service, academia, and management, our panelists provided valuable feedback on what attracts them to jobs, their career development expectations, and much more. click here to listen to panel discussions

Recap of What We Heard

  1. “We Like to Work and We’re Open-Minded”: Contrary to popular belief, Gen Z is enthusiastic about working, often juggling multiple jobs while pursuing education. They’re even open to entry-level positions despite holding graduate degrees.
  2. Attracting Factors: Gen Z is drawn to employers who invest in their career development, offer work/life harmony, and value their contributions.
  3. Career Development Strategies: Exposure to different roles, knowledge, and experiences through rotational programs,  mentorship opportunities, and allowing time for experimentation are highly valued.
  4. Work/Life Harmony is Key: Providing a work environment where employees can “leave work at work” and have approachable supervisors fosters productivity and satisfaction.
  5. Social Issues Matter: Companies should be open to discussing social issues and taking stances, though extreme radicalism may not be attractive.
  6. Navigating the Covid Impact: Employers need to understand the impact of Covid on Gen Z’s social development and support them in acquiring necessary skills.
  7. Preference for In-Person with Flexibility: While Gen Z values in-person interactions for developing social skills, they also appreciate flexibility when needed.
  8. Advice to Employers: Clarity on career paths, genuine feedback, perks like free food and mental health days, and promoting generational conversations are essential.
  9. Pay Isn’t Everything: Gen Z prioritizes feeling welcomed, being part of meaningful conversations, and work/life harmony over high pay.
  10. Attracting Gen Z to Trades: Offer apprenticeships, on-the-job training centers, and emphasizing the opportunity to learn from older generations.
  11. Encourage Exploration: Gen Z thrives in environments where they’re allowed to experiment and learn from mistakes.
  12. Preferred Work Environment: Casual, accepting, and welcoming environments with ample mentorship opportunities are preferred.
  13. Optimizing Application Experience: Gen Z appreciates transparency in the interview process, personalized interactions, and constructive feedback.
  14. Upskilling Opportunities: Invest in growth and development by offering rotational programs, educational workshops, and individualized upskilling options.
  15. Additional Offerings to Attract and Retain Gen Z
    • Recognition
    • Opportunities to work and learn from older generations
    • Tailored compensation & benefits packages that accommodate individual needs


Effective Strategies for Employers of All Sizes

Recognizing the needs and preferences of Gen Z is paramount for employers to secure and maintain top-tier talent. Understanding that the solutions may differ depending on the scale of the employer, we’ve curated a collection of strategies that are not only cost-effective but also readily accessible. Below is a condensed compilation of tailored tactics designed specifically from firsthand insights provided by Gen Z themselves.

Optimize the Application Experience

  • Ensure transparency throughout the hiring process by providing clear expectations and timelines to applicants.
  • Personalize interactions to make candidates feel valued and appreciated.
  • Offer constructive feedback to unsuccessful candidates, fostering a positive candidate experience regardless of the outcome. They may be a viable candidate in the future and may also be a future consumer.
  • Applicant tracking systems can assist with delivery information exchange, tracking, and follow-up accountability.


Compensation & Benefits

  • Offer tailored Compensation/Benefits Packages where you can.    Create a suite of offerings that your recruiter can discuss as options for selection.   We advise that you work with a Human Resources professional or Legal Counsel in the suite development prior to implementation to insure equity.
  • Fringe Benefits Applications and Lifestyle Benefits Platforms offer a modern solution to elevate your benefits package. Offering a diverse range of rewards and wellness options that will cater to an individual level for rewards & recognition, flexible benefits, personal/lifestyle spending account, and wellness.
  • Implement perks such as free food.



  • Implement policies that promote flexible work hours and remote work options to accommodate personal obligations and enhance job satisfaction.
  • Take advantage of scheduling technology. Allows for employers to easily communicate schedule options to meet business needs.  Employees can volunteer to pick-up extra shifts to earn extra income or swap shifts/request time-off.



  • Promote apprenticeship programs that combine education with practical on-the-job training.   There may be Federal and/or State grants that your business can utilize to enhance your programs.
  • Create mentorship programs that pair Gen Z employees with seasoned professionals, offering guidance and support.
  • Foster a culture of acceptance and inclusivity by promoting diversity and embracing individual differences.


Work Environment

  • Cultivate a supportive work environment that values work/life harmony.   Where you can, offer additional unpaid time off opportunities.
  • Recognize the importance of in-person interactions for social development while providing flexibility through hybrid work arrangements.
  • Train supervisors to be approachable and understanding, fostering a positive culture where employees feel comfortable disconnecting from work when needed.
  • Take stances on relevant issues that resonate with employees, avoiding extreme viewpoints that may alienate Gen Z workers.
  • Encourage constructive conversations that promote understanding and inclusivity.
  • Create a safe and supportive environment where employees are encouraged to take risks, experiment, and learn from failures.


Career Development

  • Offer resources and training to enhance social and professional skills needed to thrive in a post-pandemic world.
  • Provide opportunities for personal and professional growth through workshops, seminars, and continuous learning initiatives.
  • Establish rotational programs that expose them to various facets of the organization.
  • Offer mentorship opportunities where seasoned employees can impart wisdom and guidance.
  • Define clear career paths and advancement opportunities within the organization to guide Gen Z employees in their professional development.
  • Train supervisors to offer regular recognition and constructive feedback to facilitate growth and improvement.
  • Cross-training and utilization – encourage experimentation by allowing employees to tackle new projects and roles, providing room for skill enhancement and advancement.


By understanding Gen Z and adapting what fits for your business, employers can effectively attract, retain, and support Gen Z talent in the ever-evolving landscape of the workforce, while simultaneously catering to the needs and preferences of other generations.

At eGage, we remain committed to fostering multi-generational relationships and facilitating meaningful dialogue. We extend our gratitude to all the Gen Z Voices participants for their candid feedback, and we look forward to continuing this journey of understanding and growth.

We extend a special thank you to Mimi Gonzalez, Gen Z Inclusion Consultant, for her invaluable collaboration on Gen Z Voices. This partnership between eGage and Mimi has been nothing short of remarkable, as together we’ve worked towards offering practical solutions to empower Gen Z individuals entering the workforce, while aiding employers in creating welcoming environments for them. Mimi’s insights and expertise have enriched our efforts, and we look forward to continuing our collaboration in fostering inclusivity and support for the Gen Z community.  Collaborate with Mimi

Navigating the complexities of multi-generational workplaces can be daunting, but you don’t have to go it alone. Whether you’re seeking to harmonize diverse perspectives or implement inclusive programs, our team is ready to support your journey. Simply  click here to start a conversation. Together, let’s create a thriving environment where every generation can flourish.


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